Summer Solstice Here We Come!
Thought it would be fun to post an image from our webcam on Bald Mountain this Monday morning. Yup, it’s another powder day in Summit County, snowing this morning as low as Frisco, Dillon and Silverthorne. Even though it’s June 20, and the summer solstice is right around the corner! But hey, it’s been that kind of endless winter up here in the High Country. And unfortunately, the long and snowy winter took its toll on our gear (and our volunteers) – knocking several of our radio and TV stations off the air at times. The SPRTV Board would like to personally thank all our patient and loyal listeners and viewers who were affected by these outages in the late winter and spring. We can’t do what we do without your help, and...
KBCO is Back on the Air
As of yesterday the problems with retransmitting KBCO were fixed and as of now all SPRTV radio and TV stations are on the air for your enjoyment. Should you experience a problem please inform us at
Our Bald Mountain Webcam is Back!
After several months of being off the air, our Bald Mountain webcam is back online. The gremlins who unexpectedly changed our IP address have been vanquished. Gary, our outstanding VP of Engineering, managed to get to our electronics site on Bald Mountain today and did his magic. Check out the webcam on the SPRTV website here.
Happy Memorial Day!
On behalf of Summit Public Radio & TV and all our hard-working volunteers, we’d like to wish you and yours a Happy Memorial Day holiday. And safe travels, wherever you might be. Keep on listening and watching in Summit County. SPRTV is member supported, all volunteer, not for profit since 1988.
Antenna TV Channels 8 & 12 On The Air
While our engineers and technical experts continue to work our digital TV outage (Channels 10.1-10.5), we wanted to remind our free, over-the-air antenna TV viewers that analog TV Channels 8 (CBS Denver) and 12 (NBC Denver) are not affected by this outage. We’ll be making every effort to safely get up Bald Mountain and restore our digital TV service as soon as ground conditions allow. SPRTV would like to thank all our free, over-the-air antenna digital TV viewers for their patience until service can be...
We Move Mountains For You
So what does our slogan really mean? You’ve probably noticed “We move mountains for you” in our new banner at the top of this blog. Some of you have asked what it means … If SPRTV didn’t exist, the 9 FM/HD radio stations and all 7 free, over-the-air antenna TV stations we provide wouldn’t make it into Summit County because the surrounding mountains block their signals. So in essence, we moved the mountains out of the way so you can enjoy more FM/HD radio and free, over-the-air antenna TV programming in Summit County. Thanks to your support we can continue to keep those pesky mountains out of the way. Summit Public Radio & TV is a member supported, all volunteer, not for profit organization, serving the Summit County,...